Goodness me, a bimonthly post is a bit rubbish isn't it?? Well it's sunday morning, I just made myself a big cup of Jo and a fried egg sarnie and settled down to catch up on the blogging world so I expect any minute now my sleeping babe will awake!
Amazingly I've managed to keep my business afloat and growing, new updates are my new range 'Fur & Feather' came out last month and is selling well. I have a fantastic new agent for the SE who's bringing in tons of new accounts and doing amazingly well. I also have a development with a company in Dubai who are setting up a moonpig type business and want to license my designs. I've also ventured into prints for a new company called 'Beautiful Pea Green Boat' who launch next Saturday, so it's all good.
I'm struggling to have time to create sales myself and I can only do the bare minimum for so long before it all catches up with me. My good old mum has stepped in to help and has taken on my orders and dispatch for me which is a god send and should free up more time for me to get stuck in to some marketing and design (in my sleep!).
Of course I'm a bit frazzled but we're through the toughest baby bit, she's still waking every 2 hrs to feed but 3rd time round I think I've become invincible! I just feel very lucky most of the time that I have a job I love and a gorgeous family, yes it's blinking hard work and I never have a minute to myself but I'm very happy and that's priceless.